• The MMA Review ‘Babe of the Month’ for February 2013: Bexie Williams

  • Hi guys, 2013 is now underway and we have a real treat for you this month!  It is my pleasure to introduce ring-girl and model Bexie Williams, who is The MMA Review’s February “Babe of the Month”!!! Enjoy!

    Jay Cee: ”Hi Bexie, I am really glad to have you here on themmareview.co.uk as our February “Babe Of The Month”! Tell me how you are doing? and how it feels to be an MMA Review Babe?”

    Bexie: ”Hey, I’m really good, just got back from travelling around South America and I’m really excited and honoured to be an MMA Review Babe.”

    Jay Cee: ”You are a ring girl for Shock’n'Awe in Portsmouth, tell me what it is like working for the promotion? and have you worked for any other promotions in the past?”

    Bexie: ”It’s so much fun, the girls I work with are amazing and I love watching the fights. I haven’t worked as a ring girl for any other companies, I’m purely Shock’n'Awe’s Girl.”

    Jay Cee: ”How did you first get into being a ring-girl?”

    Bexie: ”I used to train with Shock’n'Awe many years ago, and loved it, I always kept in contact with Gym01, and when I was of the right age I was offered the job.”

    Jay Cee: ”What is your favourite thing about being at an event? Is it the fights, the fans or just being able to do your thing in the cage?”

    Bexie: ”I love everything about it, everyone’s lovely and we have an amazing time at every event. Doing our thing in the cage is definitely one of my favourite parts, but the skill of the fighters and being so close to the action is awesome!”

    Jay Cee: ”Do you have any funny stories or a memorable moment from an event that you can share with us?”

    Bexie: ”At the last show, Poppy Thompson and I were unknowingly filmed booty shaking behind the scenes between fights, which was hilarious! And a very memorable moment, was when; one of our Shock’n'Awe boys, Mike “Big Daddy” Ling threw an awesome elbow to the head of his opponent and it covered the ring in claret, I have never seen that far into someone’s head before and i’ll never forget it, it was insane!”

    Jay Cee: ”Outside of being a ring-girl are you an actual fan of MMA? If so, who is your favourite fighter?”

    Bexie: ”The girls and I train down at Gym01 and I’ve always adored it, it’s a great stress relief and a wicked way to keep fit. My favourite fighter, hmm, that’s a hard one, it would have to be Phil Harris, Gym01′s own, he is now signed to the UFC, big congratulations to him!”

    Jay Cee: ”Tell me a bit about what else you do outside of being a ring girl Bexie? I have seen some nice modelling pictures of you, is this something you do full-time or just something on the side?”

    Bexie: ”I’m a full-time model and promoter. I have done loads, from being a grid girl at the British Touring Car Championships to club promotions and everything in between. I love modelling as its a chance to be childlike again, dress up or down, and play up to a camera!”

    Jay Cee: ”This year has only just begun, tell me what your plans are for 2013? What can we expect from Bexie Williams this year?”

    Bexie: ”A lot more photo shoots, hopefully more travelling, and fingers crossed loads more…. ”

    Jay Cee: ”What would you say is your best asset body-wise?”

    Bexie: ”My eyes.”

    Jay Cee: ”Describe yourself in three words?”

    Bexie: ”Multi-faceted. Spiritual. Wander-lust.”

    Jay Cee: ”Great, well that about wraps it up Bexie. Thanks again for taking some time out to be our February “Babe Of The Month” and good luck for the future! Please feel free to do some shout-outs etc.”

    Bexie: ”Thank you ever so much for the opportunity. I’d like to thank Gareth and Brian at Gym01 for the chance to work at Shock’n'Awe and the stunning Poppy Thompson for initiating me into it all. Also, a big shout out to all the guys at Gym01, I wish them all luck in the next show!”

    Thanks to Bexie Williams for being our February babe! We appreciate the time.

    You can follow Bexie Williams on TWITTER and on FACEBOOK - For information on Shock’n'Awe please visit their website: www.shocknawe.co.uk

    Cheers guys,

    Jay Cee – @JayCeeMMA

    Remember to follow The MMA Review on Twitter and Facebook