• Interview: Vinny Baldwin speaks ahead of UCMMA 38 bout against Luiz Tosta

  • Vinny Baldwin Interview: Vinny Baldwin speaks ahead of UCMMA 38 bout against Luiz Tosta

    Photo Credit: Paul Regan / MMAFIGHTFOTO

    Vinny Baldwin is a British bantamweight MMA fighter. He will be facing Luiz Tosta at UCMMA 38, which is set to take place at the Troxy in Limehouse, East London, February 1st. We got the chance to catch up with Vinny ahead of his upcoming bout.

    Jay Cee: Hi Vinny, great to have you on TheMMAReview.co.uk! You will be facing Luiz Tosta at UCMMA 38 on February 1st, do you know much about your opponent?

    Vinny: I know that he’s a highly talented practitioner of Jiu-Jitsu, a black belt at that. But the flip side is that he isn’t particularly amazing on his feet. He’ll be looking to take me down.

    Jay Cee: As you mentioned, Tosta has very good Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ), and most of his wins have come via submission, is this something you have prepared for during fight camp?

    Vinny: Throughout the course of my camp I have trained almost exclusively in BJJ, as otherwise if he took me down, I’d be completely outclassed. However I am now confident enough on the ground that I will be able to fend off his attacks long enough to bring him back to his feet, where I will be able to dictate the pace of the fight.

    Jay Cee: This will be your third straight UCMMA event in a row, you fought Mo Lasladj in an MMA bout at UCMMA 36 and you took on Gio Marchese in a UK-1 rules matchup at UCMMA 37. Unfortunately you lost both of those fights, but you will have the chance to make it “third time lucky” at UCMMA 38, what did you learn from those performances that will help you going forward?

    Vinny: The main thing I took from my last two fights is to keep calmer than I have previously been, and to be far less arrogant about my skills. Coming into the fight with Mo, I knew he would be a challenge as I had previously fought him. But with Gio is was far too confident in myself. I had done almost no research on him bar watching his last WCMMA bout, which really made him seem a lot more timid than he actually is. He pulled me apart and I only have myself to blame for that…But as for what I’ve taken away? Use my damn reach. I am also no longer the nervous kid you all first saw walk into the cage in October.

    Jay Cee: What gym/s are you currently training at? and what coaches and fighters have you been working with?

    Vinny: I currently train in Brighton, where I have been training almost exclusively in BJJ. There I’ve been learning under the guidance of my new coach, and have learned a great deal.

    Jay Cee: What are your goals for 2014?

    Vinny: I feel there’s absolutely no limit to what I can achieve this year, I’m enjoying life and I just want to see where the roller-coaster takes me. My only goal is to keep on enjoying myself.

    Jay Cee: Aside from Mixed Martial Arts, what do you like to do in your spare time? Any hidden talents or hobbies?

    Vinny: When it comes to hobbies, I’m probably the nerdiest fighter you could ever meet. When I’m not training I’m writing, if I’m not writing then I’m producing music and when I’m not producing I’m playing tabletop games. Some may call it sad, but I call it my own slice of heaven.

    Jay Cee: Lastly, how do you predict your fight with Luiz Tosta will end?

    Vinny: I’m not one to make predictions for a fight, we each have our strengths and weaknesses and are both going to be looking to put our skills to use in an attempt to defeat each other. But there are a few things I will predict. I’m gonna enjoy myself and the fans paying to come see this great card are gonna enjoy it.

    Jay Cee: Ok, great. Thanks for taking the time out to talk with me Vinny and good luck at UCMMA 38. If there any sponsors or people you would like to shout-out or thank, please go ahead and do that now…

    Vinny: I ain’t got no sponsors haha, but I’d like to thank my family and friends, as well as anyone I’ve ever trained with. You guys are the best.

    Thanks again to Vinny Baldwin for the time, I appreciate it.

    *Photo of Vinny Baldwin was taken by Paul Regan at MMAFIGHTFOTO.*

    Stay close to The MMA Review (themmareview.co.uk) for all the latest MMA news.

    Jay Cee – @JayCeeMMA

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