• Phil Baroni Interview – See what the “New York Bad Ass” has been up to!

  • I recently got the chance to catch up with “The New York Bad Ass” Phil Baroni and ask him a few questions. Check it out…..


    Jay Cee: “Hi Phil, Firstly I would like to start by asking what you have been up to since your last fight for Titan Fighting Championships where you defeated Nick Nolte and when we can expect to see you fighting next?


    Phil Baroni: “I’m fighting in One FC. It’s pretty much hard-core NHB not MMA. It’s in a cage PRIDE rules with elbows…..It should be good! Hard Core fight.


    Jay Cee: “MMA is becoming more and more well known around the globe with organizations like the UFC and Strikeforce getting bigger year by year, what is your take on that? and will we ever see Phil Baroni back in the UFC?


    Phil Baroni: “Who know’s man? I hope so…I think so. But not just 2 and the BBQ like last time. If I get back in I plan on staying and my goal would be to earn another contract.


    Jay Cee: “Correct me if I am wrong but you currently train with the American Kickboxing Academy. How is training going? and are there any hot prospects we should keep an eye out for in the future coming out of that camp?


    Phil Baroni: “Training is a grind. All the guys are good, and tough. The big name guys of course, but its the sleepers behind the scenes who know body knows about that make AKA great. The team is tough. Everyone is good. If I would have stayed here since 2006 I’d be a much better fighter than I am today. I only have myself to blame for that. I’m trying to play catch up now and do the best with what i have and the time i’ve got left.


    Jay Cee: “When the day finally comes that you decide to retire from MMA what do you see yourself doing? Training, coaching, commentating etc – will you still be involved with MMA?


    Phil Baroni: “I love MMA and I hope to be able to stay involved and be a part of it some way. So yeah to all of the above.


    Jay Cee: “Ok, last question Phil…..You have been fighting in multiple different organizations for over 10 years now, you have fought with various names in the industry like Evan Tanner and Frank Shamrock. What is your most memorable fight? and why?


    Phil Baroni: “I think the best win I had was against Minowa because I proved I still had some fight left in me. I hope to show that once again in ONE FC and prove I still can compete and kick ass. I don’t want to retire. I want to have one more run of glory. I know I’d appreciate it more than I did in the past. I just want to be a contender again, be somebody.


    The End.


    I would like to thank Phil Baroni for taking the time to do this interview with me. I am sure you guys enjoyed it!


    Here are some places you can find more out about “The New York Bad Ass” Phil Baroni…


    Twitter: http://twitter.com/philbaroni

    Website: http://thenewyorkbadass.com

    Youtube: http://youtube.com/thenewyorkbadass


    Thanks Guys!


    Jay Cee.